Environmental Self-Care

Maintaining a clean environmental setting for yourself can reduce stress, depressive symptoms, and feelings of anxiety. Having a peaceful and visually appealing home can create better moods, behaviors, and increase cognitive functions.

Some helpful tips when focusing on your social connections:

  • Creating a clean environment can create a greater sense of well-being than a cluttered home

  • Having a dirty living environment adds more to your plate, leaving you to feel more stressed and anxious

  • Cleaning can be a great distraction and keep your mind off of your hardships

Some tips to get you going:

  • Decluttering your home, car, or work environment

  • Clean up after yourself

  • Maintain a safe environment

Examples from others:

“Every weekend, I set a designated time to spend a couple hours cleaning up.”

“I make sure to clean out my car every time I see a mess.”

“I added a new security system to my house so I can be watchful of my surroundings.”