Psychological Self-Care

We are often constantly on the go or forcing ourselves to not think. Those who are recovering tend to keep their mind busy and forget the fact that they must care for their inner selves deeply. Putting aside some time each day to do something you enjoy will help you create a routine and focus on that personal time you need to recover. It is important to spend the time to focus on yourself and what you need, above all else.

Some helpful tips when focusing on your psychological well-being:

  • Turn your phone off. Your phone sucks up a lot of time and energy that you have and can be very demanding. Tune out your phone and tune into yourself.

  • Sit in silence. It is rare for us to have a quiet mind and appreciate the peace in that moment. It can allow you to be aware of your thoughts and bring the attention to yourself for a few moments.

Some ideas to get you going:

  • Going outside into nature

  • Watch a movie

  • Cook or bake

  • Listen to music

  • Practicing mindfulness

  • Reading a book

  • Learning a new skill

  • Turn off your phone

    Examples from others:

“Right before bed, I open up a book and read that until I get tired.”

“I started learning a new language, so I kept myself busy during my me-times.”

“Once a day, I put my phone down for an hour so I am with myself and can focus entirely on what I am doing.”